
37 lines
1.5 KiB

use std::time::Duration;
use chorus::gateway::{GatewayCapable, GatewayHandleCapable};
use chorus::{self, types::GatewayIdentifyPayload, Gateway};
use tokio::time::sleep;
/// This example creates a simple gateway connection and a session with an Identify event
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() {
// Find the gateway websocket url of the server we want to connect to
let websocket_url_spacebar = "wss://".to_string();
// Initiate the gateway connection, starting a listener in one thread and a heartbeat handler in another
let gateway = Gateway::get_handle(websocket_url_spacebar).await.unwrap();
// At this point, we are connected to the server and are sending heartbeats, however we still haven't authenticated
// Get a token for an account on the server
let token = "SecretToken".to_string();
// Create an identify event
// An Identify event is how the server authenticates us and gets info about our os and browser, along with our intents / capabilities
// (Chorus never sends real telemetry data about your system to servers, always just using the most common option or a custom set one)
// By default the capabilities requests all the data of a regular client
let mut identify = GatewayIdentifyPayload::common();
identify.token = token;
// Send off the event
// Do something on the main thread so we don't quit
loop {