
151 lines
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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
use std::str::FromStr;
use chorus::gateway::{Gateway, GatewayOptions};
use chorus::types::{IntoShared, PermissionFlags};
use chorus::{
instance::{ChorusUser, Instance},
Channel, ChannelCreateSchema, Guild, GuildCreateSchema, RegisterSchema,
RoleCreateModifySchema, RoleObject, Shared,
use chrono::NaiveDate;
pub(crate) struct TestBundle {
pub urls: UrlBundle,
pub user: ChorusUser,
pub instance: Instance,
pub guild: Shared<Guild>,
pub role: Shared<RoleObject>,
pub channel: Shared<Channel>,
impl TestBundle {
pub(crate) async fn create_user(&mut self, username: &str) -> ChorusUser {
let register_schema = RegisterSchema {
username: username.to_string(),
consent: true,
date_of_birth: Some(NaiveDate::from_str("2000-01-01").unwrap()),
pub(crate) async fn clone_user_without_gateway(&self) -> ChorusUser {
ChorusUser {
belongs_to: self.user.belongs_to.clone(),
token: self.user.token.clone(),
limits: self.user.limits.clone(),
settings: self.user.settings.clone(),
object: self.user.object.clone(),
gateway: Gateway::spawn(&self.instance.urls.wss, GatewayOptions::default())
// Set up a test by creating an Instance and a User. Reduces Test boilerplate.
pub(crate) async fn setup() -> TestBundle {
// So we can get logs when tests fail
let _ = simple_logger::SimpleLogger::with_level(
let instance = Instance::new("http://localhost:3001/api", None)
// Requires the existence of the below user.
let reg = RegisterSchema {
username: "integrationtestuser".into(),
consent: true,
date_of_birth: Some(NaiveDate::from_str("2000-01-01").unwrap()),
let guild_create_schema = GuildCreateSchema {
name: Some("Test-Guild!".to_string()),
region: None,
icon: None,
channels: None,
guild_template_code: None,
system_channel_id: None,
rules_channel_id: None,
let channel_create_schema = ChannelCreateSchema {
name: "testchannel".to_string(),
channel_type: Some(chorus::types::ChannelType::GuildText),
topic: None,
icon: None,
bitrate: None,
user_limit: None,
rate_limit_per_user: None,
position: None,
permission_overwrites: None,
parent_id: None,
id: None,
nsfw: Some(false),
rtc_region: None,
default_auto_archive_duration: None,
default_reaction_emoji: None,
flags: Some(0),
default_thread_rate_limit_per_user: Some(0),
video_quality_mode: None,
let mut user = instance.clone().register_account(reg).await.unwrap();
let guild = Guild::create(&mut user, guild_create_schema).await.unwrap();
let channel = Channel::create(&mut user,, None, channel_create_schema)
let role_create_schema: chorus::types::RoleCreateModifySchema = RoleCreateModifySchema {
name: Some("Bundle role".to_string()),
permissions: PermissionFlags::from_bits(8), // Administrator permissions
hoist: Some(true),
icon: None,
unicode_emoji: Some("".to_string()),
mentionable: Some(true),
position: None,
color: None,
let role = chorus::types::RoleObject::create(&mut user,, role_create_schema)
let urls = UrlBundle::new(
TestBundle {
guild: guild.into_shared(),
role: role.into_shared(),
channel: channel.into_shared(),
// Teardown method to clean up after a test.
pub(crate) async fn teardown(mut bundle: TestBundle) {
let id =;
Guild::delete(&mut bundle.user, id).await.unwrap();