use custom_error::custom_error; custom_error! { #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] pub FieldFormatError PasswordError = "Password must be between 1 and 72 characters.", UsernameError = "Username must be between 2 and 32 characters.", ConsentError = "Consent must be 'true' to register.", EmailError = "The provided email address is in an invalid format.", } custom_error! { #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] pub ChorusLibError NoResponse = "Did not receive a response from the Server.", RequestErrorError{url:String, error:String} = "An error occured while trying to GET from {url}: {error}", ReceivedErrorCodeError{error_code:String} = "Received the following error code while requesting from the route: {error_code}", CantGetInfoError{error:String} = "Something seems to be wrong with the instance. Cannot get information about the instance: {error}", InvalidFormBodyError{error_type: String, error:String} = "The server responded with: {error_type}: {error}", RateLimited{bucket:String} = "Ratelimited on Bucket {bucket}", MultipartCreationError{error: String} = "Got an error whilst creating the form: {}", FormCreationError{error: String} = "Got an error whilst creating the form: {}", TokenExpired = "Token expired, invalid or not found.", NoPermission = "You do not have the permissions needed to perform this action.", NotFound{error: String} = "The provided resource hasn't been found: {}", PasswordRequiredError = "You need to provide your current password to authenticate for this action.", InvalidResponseError{error: String} = "The response is malformed and cannot be processed. Error: {}", } custom_error! { #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] pub ObserverError AlreadySubscribedError = "Each event can only be subscribed to once." } custom_error! { /// For errors we receive from the gateway, see; /// /// Supposed to be sent as numbers, though they are sent as string most of the time? /// /// Also includes errors when initiating a connection and unexpected opcodes #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] pub GatewayError // Errors we have received from the gateway UnknownError = "We're not sure what went wrong. Try reconnecting?", UnknownOpcodeError = "You sent an invalid Gateway opcode or an invalid payload for an opcode", DecodeError = "Gateway server couldn't decode payload", NotAuthenticatedError = "You sent a payload prior to identifying", AuthenticationFailedError = "The account token sent with your identify payload is invalid", AlreadyAuthenticatedError = "You've already identified, no need to reauthenticate", InvalidSequenceNumberError = "The sequence number sent when resuming the session was invalid. Reconnect and start a new session", RateLimitedError = "You are being rate limited!", SessionTimedOutError = "Your session timed out. Reconnect and start a new one", InvalidShardError = "You sent us an invalid shard when identifying", ShardingRequiredError = "The session would have handled too many guilds - you are required to shard your connection in order to connect", InvalidAPIVersionError = "You sent an invalid Gateway version", InvalidIntentsError = "You sent an invalid intent", DisallowedIntentsError = "You sent a disallowed intent. You may have tried to specify an intent that you have not enabled or are not approved for", // Errors when initiating a gateway connection CannotConnectError{error: String} = "Cannot connect due to a tungstenite error: {error}", NonHelloOnInitiateError{opcode: u8} = "Received non hello on initial gateway connection ({opcode}), something is definitely wrong", // Other misc errors UnexpectedOpcodeReceivedError{opcode: u8} = "Received an opcode we weren't expecting to receive: {opcode}", }