update error messages

Update error message to be more brief and compliant with C-GOOD-ERR
This commit is contained in:
kozabrada123 2024-04-28 12:32:24 +02:00
parent 2deb63af10
commit 433711409e
1 changed files with 88 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use chorus_macros::WebSocketEvent;
custom_error! {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash)]
pub RegistrationError
Consent = "Consent must be 'true' to register.",
Consent = "consent must be 'true' to register",
pub type ChorusResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, ChorusError>;
@ -20,33 +20,34 @@ custom_error! {
#[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub ChorusError
/// Server did not respond.
NoResponse = "Did not receive a response from the Server.",
NoResponse = "server did not respond",
/// Reqwest returned an Error instead of a Response object.
RequestFailed{url:String, error: String} = "An error occurred while trying to GET from {url}: {error}",
RequestFailed{url:String, error: String} = "an error occurred while trying to GET from {url}: {error}",
/// Response received, however, it was not of the successful responses type. Used when no other, special case applies.
ReceivedErrorCode{error_code: u16, error: String} = "Received the following error code while requesting from the route: {error_code}",
ReceivedErrorCode{error_code: u16, error: String} = "received error code while requesting from the route: {error_code}",
/// Used when there is likely something wrong with the instance, the request was directed to.
CantGetInformation{error:String} = "Something seems to be wrong with the instance. Cannot get information about the instance: {error}",
CantGetInformation{error:String} = "cannot get information about the instance: {error}, something is likely wrong with the instance",
/// The requests form body was malformed/invalid.
InvalidFormBody{error_type: String, error:String} = "The server responded with: {error_type}: {error}",
InvalidFormBody{error_type: String, error:String} = "the server responded with: {error_type}: {error}",
/// The request has not been processed by the server due to a relevant rate limit bucket being exhausted.
RateLimited{bucket:String} = "Ratelimited on Bucket {bucket}",
RateLimited{bucket:String} = "ratelimited on bucket {bucket}",
/// The multipart form could not be created.
MultipartCreation{error: String} = "Got an error whilst creating the form: {error}",
MultipartCreation{error: String} = "got an error whilst creating the form: {error}",
/// The regular form could not be created.
FormCreation{error: String} = "Got an error whilst creating the form: {error}",
FormCreation{error: String} = "got an error whilst creating the form: {error}",
/// The token is invalid.
TokenExpired = "Token expired, invalid or not found.",
TokenExpired = "token expired, invalid or not found",
/// No permission
NoPermission = "You do not have the permissions needed to perform this action.",
NoPermission = "you lack the permissions needed to perform this action",
/// Resource not found
NotFound{error: String} = "The provided resource hasn't been found: {error}",
NotFound{error: String} = "the provided resource wasn't found: {error}",
/// Used when you, for example, try to change your spacebar account password without providing your old password for verification.
PasswordRequired = "You need to provide your current password to authenticate for this action.",
// RAGC: could this be worded a bit better to be more concise?
PasswordRequired = "you need to provide your current password to authenticate for this action",
/// Malformed or unexpected response.
InvalidResponse{error: String} = "The response is malformed and cannot be processed. Error: {error}",
InvalidResponse{error: String} = "the response is malformed and cannot be processed: {error}",
/// Invalid, insufficient or too many arguments provided.
InvalidArguments{error: String} = "Invalid arguments were provided. Error: {error}"
InvalidArguments{error: String} = "invalid arguments were provided: {error}"
impl From<reqwest::Error> for ChorusError {
@ -61,12 +62,6 @@ impl From<reqwest::Error> for ChorusError {
custom_error! {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub ObserverError
AlreadySubscribed = "Each event can only be subscribed to once."
custom_error! {
/// For errors we receive from the gateway, see <https://discord-userdoccers.vercel.app/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes#gateway-close-event-codes>;
@ -77,27 +72,43 @@ custom_error! {
pub GatewayError
// Errors we have received from the gateway
Unknown = "We're not sure what went wrong. Try reconnecting?",
UnknownOpcode = "You sent an invalid Gateway opcode or an invalid payload for an opcode",
Decode = "Gateway server couldn't decode payload",
NotAuthenticated = "You sent a payload prior to identifying",
AuthenticationFailed = "The account token sent with your identify payload is invalid",
AlreadyAuthenticated = "You've already identified, no need to reauthenticate",
InvalidSequenceNumber = "The sequence number sent when resuming the session was invalid. Reconnect and start a new session",
RateLimited = "You are being rate limited!",
SessionTimedOut = "Your session timed out. Reconnect and start a new one",
InvalidShard = "You sent us an invalid shard when identifying",
ShardingRequired = "The session would have handled too many guilds - you are required to shard your connection in order to connect",
InvalidAPIVersion = "You sent an invalid Gateway version",
InvalidIntents = "You sent an invalid intent",
DisallowedIntents = "You sent a disallowed intent. You may have tried to specify an intent that you have not enabled or are not approved for",
/// We're not sure what went wrong. Try reconnecting?
Unknown = "unknown error occurred, try reconnecting",
/// You sent an invalid opcode or an invalid payload for an opcode
UnknownOpcode = "client sent invalid opcode or invalid payload for opcode",
/// Gateway server couldn't decode payload
Decode = "gateway server failed to decode payload",
/// You sent a payload prior to identifying
NotAuthenticated = "client sent payload before identifying",
/// The account token sent with your identify payload is invalid
AuthenticationFailed = "account token in identify is invalid",
/// You've already identified, no need to reauthenticate
AlreadyAuthenticated = "client sent more than one identify payload",
/// The sequence number sent when resuming the session was invalid. Reconnect and start a new session
InvalidSequenceNumber = "sequence number when resuming session was invalid.",
/// You're being rate limited
RateLimited = "you are being rate limited",
/// Your session timed out. Reconnect and start a new one
SessionTimedOut = "session timed out",
/// You sent an invalid shard when identifying
InvalidShard = "invalid shard in identify",
/// The session would have handled too many guilds - you are required to shard your connection in order to connect
ShardingRequired = "sharding is required to connect",
/// You sent an invalid Gateway version
InvalidAPIVersion = "client sent invalid gateway version",
/// You sent an invalid intent
InvalidIntents = "invalid intent",
/// You sent a disallowed intent.
/// You may have tried to specify an intent that you have not enabled or are not approved for
DisallowedIntents = "disallowed (not enabled / approved) intent",
// Errors when initiating a gateway connection
CannotConnect{error: String} = "Cannot connect due to a tungstenite error: {error}",
NonHelloOnInitiate{opcode: u8} = "Received non hello on initial gateway connection ({opcode}), something is definitely wrong",
CannotConnect{error: String} = "encountered a tungstenite error: {error}",
NonHelloOnInitiate{opcode: u8} = "received non hello on initializing connection: {opcode}",
// Other misc errors
UnexpectedOpcodeReceived{opcode: u8} = "Received an opcode we weren't expecting to receive: {opcode}",
UnexpectedOpcodeReceived{opcode: u8} = "unexpected opcode received: {opcode}",
custom_error! {
@ -110,25 +121,40 @@ custom_error! {
pub VoiceGatewayError
// Errors we receive
UnknownOpcode = "You sent an invalid opcode",
FailedToDecodePayload = "You sent an invalid payload in your identifying to the (Voice) Gateway",
NotAuthenticated = "You sent a payload before identifying with the (Voice) Gateway",
AuthenticationFailed = "The token you sent in your identify payload is incorrect",
AlreadyAuthenticated = "You sent more than one identify payload",
SessionNoLongerValid = "Your session is no longer valid",
SessionTimeout = "Your session has timed out",
ServerNotFound = "We can't find the server you're trying to connect to",
UnknownProtocol = "We didn't recognize the protocol you sent",
Disconnected = "Channel was deleted, you were kicked, voice server changed, or the main gateway session was dropped. Should not reconnect.",
VoiceServerCrashed = "The server crashed, try resuming",
UnknownEncryptionMode = "Server failed to decrypt data",
/// You sent an invalid opcode
UnknownOpcode = "client sent invalid opcode",
/// You sent an invalid payload in your identifying to the (Voice) Gateway
FailedToDecodePayload = "server failed to decode payload while identifying",
/// You sent a payload before identifying with the (Voice) Gateway
NotAuthenticated = "client sent payload before identifying",
/// The token you sent in your identify payload is incorrect
AuthenticationFailed = "account token in identify is invalid",
/// You sent more than one identify payload
AlreadyAuthenticated = "client sent more than one identify payload",
/// Your session is no longer valid
SessionNoLongerValid = "session no longer valid",
/// Your session has timed out
SessionTimeout = "session timed out",
/// Can't find the desired server to connect to
ServerNotFound = "desired server not found",
/// The server didn't recognize the protocol you sent
UnknownProtocol = "unrecognized or unknown protocol",
/// Channel was deleted, you were kicked, voice server changed, or the main gateway session
/// closed.
/// Should not attempt to reconnect.
Disconnected = "disconnected from voice",
/// The server crashed, try resuming
VoiceServerCrashed = "the voice server crashed",
/// Server failed to decrypt data
UnknownEncryptionMode = "server failed to decrypt / unknown encryption mode",
// Errors when initiating a gateway connection
CannotConnect{error: String} = "Cannot connect due to a tungstenite error: {error}",
NonHelloOnInitiate{opcode: u8} = "Received non hello on initial gateway connection ({opcode}), something is definitely wrong",
CannotConnect{error: String} = "encountered a tungstenite error: {error}",
NonHelloOnInitiate{opcode: u8} = "received non hello on initializing connection: {opcode}",
// Other misc errors
UnexpectedOpcodeReceived{opcode: u8} = "Received an opcode we weren't expecting to receive: {opcode}",
UnexpectedOpcodeReceived{opcode: u8} = "unexpected opcode received: {opcode}",
custom_error! {
@ -138,17 +164,18 @@ custom_error! {
// General errors
BrokenSocket{error: String} = "Could not write / read from UDP socket: {error}",
NoData = "We have not set received the necessary data to perform this operation.",
/// We have not yet received the necessary data to perform this operation.
NoData = "required data not yet received",
// Encryption errors
EncryptionModeNotImplemented{encryption_mode: String} = "Voice encryption mode {encryption_mode} is not yet implemented.",
NoKey = "Tried to encrypt / decrypt rtp data, but no key has been received yet",
FailedEncryption = "Tried to encrypt rtp data, but failed. Most likely this is an issue chorus' nonce generation. Please open an issue on the chorus github: https://github.com/polyphony-chat/chorus/issues/new",
FailedDecryption = "Tried to decrypt rtp data, but failed. Most likely this is an issue chorus' nonce generation. Please open an issue on the chorus github: https://github.com/polyphony-chat/chorus/issues/new",
FailedNonceGeneration{error: String} = "Tried to generate nonce, but failed due to error: {error}.",
EncryptionModeNotImplemented{encryption_mode: String} = "voice encryption mode {encryption_mode} is not yet implemented",
NoKey = "could not encrypt / decrypt data: no key received yet",
FailedEncryption = "failed to encrypt data (most likely this is an issue in chorus' nonce generation, please open an issue)",
FailedDecryption = "failed to decrypt data (most likely this is an issue in chorus' nonce generation, please open an issue)",
FailedNonceGeneration{error: String} = "failed to generate nonce: {error}.",
// Errors when initiating a socket connection
CannotBind{error: String} = "Cannot bind socket due to a UDP error: {error}",
CannotConnect{error: String} = "Cannot connect due to a UDP error: {error}",
CannotBind{error: String} = "failed to bind UDP socket: {error}",
CannotConnect{error: String} = "failed to open UDP connection: {error}",